Okay, I know the Cheney shooting is a played out topic, but so was the Lewinsky scandal after a while, but the jokes just kept on coming so let them come again. I knew I could count on "The Daily Show" for their excellent and hilarious take on the story and they delivered brilliantly. A friend e-mailed me the transcript of one of their segments that I thought was worth posting. Again, it's a little scary how parody reflects reality. The White House, Bush and Cheney once again come off on the defensive and make no apologies for any aspect of how they handled the incident, not that we should be surprised. The follow-up story that reported Harry Whittingon, the man shot, apologizing to Cheney for the VP having shot him full of lead pellets was the extra sickening cherry on the sundae of this PR mess. The late night comics have had a field day with this story, but there is no wit and sarcasm as good as The Daily Show. Jon Stewart: "I'm joined now by our own vice-pr...