prize catch

Last week I drove down to Jekyll Island with my best friend Clare to get in some beach time at the lower Atlantic. My family vacationed at St. Simon's, across the sound, for most of childhood and into my early adult life so it's a place full of great memories. The lower Atlantic beaches have their own smell, completely different than the Gulf -- a mixture of salt and sea plant life -- one of the best smells in the world to me, like baby's hair or homemade bread baking. - The second night we were there we ventured down to the public pier, across the street from the Jekyll Island campground were we were staying. Our friends Paul and Carrie McGrann and their two kids had just gotten there and the kids, never having seen the Atlantic before, were pretty amazed with the nighttime sea life. Dylan, 14, and Codi Jane, 11, were the first to see the small sharks coming in to feed in very shallow waters below the pier and I thought why not drop a line down in their swarming circle. ...