Happy first Birthday Maddy Louise!

- Maddy Lou got special treats, food and toys today for her first birthday, including a can of Albacore and some cat grass as pictured, but the highlight of her day was breaking into a bag of potting soil with her teeth and spreading it all over the hallway. As you can see, brother Gus was very interested to know what this birthday celebrating was all about as he has yet to reach his first. - As to be expected and unlike a dog, Maddy didn't seem particularly grateful about any gifts of the food or toy variety. The attitude seemed to be, "I will eat or play with this, but it won't be a life altering experience and I sure as hell won't give you, Big One, the impression that any of this really mattered all that much." - I know people like that, but I would never have them as pets. None are as cool at Maddy Lou. - The recap is here in better design than Blogger would ever allow.