Cincinnati revisited


Sid Vance with bronzed hero, Ted Kluszewski, a Reds first baseman hall-of-famer from 1947-57.

Great baseball, great food and crappy customer service are what I will take away from my trip to Cincinnati. I am not sure what was so strange about Cincinnati and its Kentucky suburbs. We had some real twilight zone moments dealing with service industry people and their rude, idiotic ways, but it became funny after a while. They weren't going to rain on our vacation parade.

Sid, Clare and I scored some excellent souveniers, got down with Deutschland at the Goetta Festival and at a German brewhouse afterwards and most importantly saw two great games in the Red's new ballpark. The trip home was pure madness as a wreck involving three semis shut I-75 down completely for four hours in southern Kentucky. The detour we took getting around the wreck took about that long making our total travel time back to Atlanta twelve hours. With good music and great conversation, we pressed on toward Atlanta in the wee morning hours, unpacked and crashed after breifly testing out our handy new beer steins.

For the flickr photo extravaganza of this trip, click here.


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