(Click on photo for a much-needed close-up view. I couldn't get the image any bigger.)

I've gotta give it to buycostumes.com for providing some of the most original and hilarious Halloween costumes ever to be mass produced (in Taiwan I'm sure.) Most of these don't need any explaination, but I'm gonna put my two cents in anyway.

A. Probably the most brilliant ladies costume -- a bun in the oven. Take that pregnant nun!

B. The costume isn't as funny as the expression on that cat's face. I'm sure this owner will be found by the authorities ripped to shreads, along with the costume, on November 1. If looks could kill.

C. Too bad the only thing that will be coming out of this Pez peep's mouth is beer burps. He could try to make it more interesting and dispense prescription pain pills, in fruity flavors of course.

D. Kosher bones only for this duo, otherwise they might get furklempt.

E. It's nice, the things you can count on in life -- death, taxes and the endless hilarity of the pu pu platter. (Hey buddy, watch where you point those chopsticks!)

F. The product description for this costume really says, "May or may not come with sound effects." This costume, like a Christening gown, should be passed down from one generation to the next.

G. If this costume actually smelled like piney freshness, it could work double duty.

H. The grass skirt just wasn't enough. They just had to add the bikini top. If John Waters ever makes a sequel to "Pink Flamingos," this pug needs to have a starring role.

I. Leave it to an Irish setter to actually look happy with this Puppy Longstockings scenario -- sheeesh!


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