Calvin -- devout Christian and/or prank pisser

- I had this cra zy idea that here in the deep South the prevalence of Calvin stickers on the cars and trucks of certain country fried folk would wane seeing as Calvin and Hobbes , the comic strip, has been retired for 12 years this coming December. Boy, was I wrong. Driving around Birmingham in the past few weeks I see that bootlegged Calvin is still really busy these days and making appearances on many a vehicle. His nice boy side does a lot of praying on his knees in from of giant crosses and also memorializes those who have died, but the bad boy is really naughty and sprays urine all over everything from the different American car manufacturers to Nascar pretty boy Jeff Gordon. Calvin's seems to be using the Jimmy Swaggart model of life these days now that he's been separated from his beloved stuffed tiger. I wonder who decided that Calvin would be a good spokesman for everything redneck? Why not Charlie Brown or Dilbert. Sadly Looney Tunes Tazmanian Devil and Tweety Bird ...