

It's always strange going back to Auburn, Ala., the town where I was raised. The house I grew up in has been been bought by a super rich Auburn University trustee who, ironically, was the bane of my father's existence during his last years as chair of the journalism department. Now the house we knew has been completely erased, replaced with a more modern-looking version and completely unrecognizable. Like my sister said, who was also in Auburn Saturday for a bridal luncheon held for her on our old street, "I felt nothing." True dat.
I went back for a good reason other than the luncheon. My first friend on Pinedale Drive, Cameron Leonard, got married Saturday at Auburn's oldest Episocal Church, St. Dunstan's, located downtown. After the reception we gathered at a mutual friends house for the fall Auburn tradition of watching football and our guys won, at the last minute at that and against the evil Florida Gators. I went down back downtown and watched the chaotic jubulance that is the Toomer's Corner roll (see above photo) and woke up Sunday and drove back home.
In the almost 10 years since I moved away from Auburn the second time, a lot has changed, and unsurprisingly the area has an acute case of stripmallitis. That happens everywhere, but when it happens in Auburn it seems more personal since that is my hometown. Most of my most beloved structures are still standing and in good shape and my old neighborhood really looks great, but it was nice to get in the car and come back to the place that is home now -- Birmingham.


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