Happy Birthday Gus

According to official Shelby County Humane Society papers, today Gus turns one year old.
He celebrated tonight with a can of albacore tuna, a few new toys and bags of treats and a striped sister who helped him with both the food and the toys.
Gus was the cat I had to have after seeing his picture on PetFinder. com. With giant ears and a sweet face, I knew he was the orange tabby for me. Getting Gus led me to the random luck of finding Maddy Lou and my cat family was complete. My life has been 100% better because of them. Happy Birthday sweet Guster T!

Famous person Gus most resembles: Cher (long nose, seductive almond-shaped eyes and slightly glazed facial expression)

Famous person(s) Gus most acts like: Crush -- the sea turtle from "Finding Nemo", Sean Penn as Jeff Spicoli from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Can I get a collective, "Duuuuude!"
Gus likes: drinking from the bathroom sink faucets, flirting for cat treats with his extra-long tail a swishin' and Clare's cat Bobby Cox
Gus dislikes: having his claws trimmed, getting shut out of the bedroom during sleeping hours for bad behavior
Interesting Gus facts: He rarely meows or makes any vocal noise but purrs pretty constantly and did the minute the pound people handed him over to me. His slightly crossed eyes, long face, long toes and high hip bones have led me to believe that he has some Siamese blood in him. He has the longest tail I have ever seen on any cat.
