a party...a dream...no a party

Rebecca transfers some sequins to Gil with Anne, left.

What do you get when you mix Yaz, Chippendales, a dash of garage rock, a workout video and S&M? Why it's Gil Mantera's Party Dream of course.

The Youngstown, Ohio duo of brothers who gradually disrobe as their sets evolve, played Wednesday at Bottletree for Rebecca Davis's Sweet Sixteen (+20) birthday party. It was the perfect band for a 1987 flashback -- male eyeliner and synth-oriented beats that even the folks who were in grammer school during that time, couldn't help but shake it to.

Rebecca's excellent concept party had her grand entrance in a wing chair in the back of a pickup truck, followed by two dudes in tuxes with
"Pomp and Circumstance" playing. It was like a white kid's indie rock QuinceaƱera with some John Hughes elements thrown in for good measure.

I don't know if my favorite stage antic was the spontaneous push ups by Ultimate Donny or Gil karate chopping one of the balloon bouquets front stage, but this was a hilariously excellent show and celebration for a long-time friend (from my very first English class at Montevallo) I have known simply as 'Mort'.

An raucous young Birmingham band called Da Goajes opened with some shirtless and tight-jeaned baby Sabbath antics of their own.

My photos of the party are here.

Event-related links:

Rock Paper Rock (Rebecca's promotion company LLC)

GMPD's Web site

DaGoajes myspace

"I would just like to thank all the popular people for making this happen!"


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