up closeness


I love all the details on the face of a tabby cat. There are so many colors and patterns and they all work together so beautifully. I also love the tiny delicate veins in their ears that appear dark pink against light pink when the sun shows through them. The pupil width changes on a dime and the flower pattern on the outside of her iris only seems to show itself in sunlight.

I never even noticed the intricate tiny circles on their noses until I took these. Maddy Lou allowed the camera to within an inch of her face and didn't flinch once -- the sign of a true professional.

More photos from this session are here.


Sithbanjo said…
That is awesome photography, Brooks! I speak with the authority of one who has tried to get dogs to be still long enough for their photos to be taken, without coming to you and sticking their wet noses on the lens.
Brooks Brown said…
Thanks Bryan. I find cats easier to photograph honestly. They get in these moods where they can be statuesque. I was surprised she let me get the camera this close to her face, but grateful. Dogs, especially young ones (see the young Great Dane below) are so spastic. She, like a two-year-old child is only still when she's asleep.
Beck said…
So I was at the Capitol building in Atlanta at work last week and Sandy Michaels came up to me and said you know someone that know. I explained to her that we have never met and that I know your name via Angela's blog and, of course, her stories.

Anyhow, Sandy spoke very, very highly of you. I thought I would stop by and spread the love.

Cheers! Rebecca

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