up closeness, part two


In news from the homefront, the kitters have been especially entertaining this week. The constant change in weather has made them crazy at night, the witching hour being about 2 a.m. Maddy Lou has decided during cold weather she can't not be in my lap or on my body. Recently she's taken to getting completely under the covers with me, a lump for me to discover when I wake up. I have never known a cat to do this.

Sometimes she sleeps on my shoulder sometimes literally in my arms like a stuffed animal. Always meowing too early in to get me up and sometimes knocking picture frames and other items off my dresser to get my attention, although all she gets is four-letter words when she tries those stunts. She also gets on my back and wraps her paws around my neck like she wants a piggy-back ride when she thinks I'm paying the computer more attention than her. I wish I could figure out a way to make money with this show biz star potential.

Last week the two went to new heights in crack baby behavior. They were so loud I woke up wondering if there was another creature in my apartment. One terrifying in between awake and asleep moment led me to believe there might actually be another person here. I awoke to find their water bowl turned over on the floor and cat food scattered everywhere -- evidence of a party. Later on I realized there is a cat outside in heat who has been "calling" and they've both been answering by trying to destroy my place of residence.

In the past two weeks Gus has learned to fetch. He does it with a small spring-shaped toy and has brought it back to me over 10 times in a row. He is very proud of himself and wants to be commended even if he drops the toy half-way back to me. I am proud of him either way. More February photos of the striped duo are here.


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