It was 26 years ago today ...

Front left: Lindsay Brown (sister), Vernay Reber (best friend), up the steps Karen Dill, Michael Goodling, Brendan Mackin, Dunham Blackwell, Cameron Leonard (looking "over it" with a striped shirt). On the right side: Mary Esther Likis, Francie Likis and me with saddle shoes on. ... that this photo was taken on our back stoop in Auburn, Ala. on my 10th birthday. So today I am 36. It has been a peaceful, beautiful day with the exception of a hackberry tree that was removed from my front yard this morning. It was sick and dying and I knew it would meet this fate, but hated that it had to happen today. The cats were very distraught as this was the tree where they watched birds roost. They had looks on their faces like, "What is happening in our world?" Trying to explain the harsh reality that hackberry trees are one of Mother Nature's great mistakes (limbs are heavier than the trunk can support) was obviously pointless. I am reminded today of birthday's past. M...