East by Southeast, one night only

Tomorrow night, June 27, Every Alice on Earth, takes the stage, or floor space rather, at the Upside Plaza with Andrew Vladeck and Balthrop, Alabama.
We will be the last act to play and the UDP is a notoriously late club -- typically the place people go after they're done with there first or second bars since the Plaza stays open so late. That being said, we have no way to predict what time we'll take the stage. We're hoping that Andrew will start by 9:30 or 10:00 p.m. which might put us on stage in the ballpark of 1:00 a.m., but that's pure speculation and no promises can be made. If you're coming out, be prepared for a worthy, but potentially late night show. Get you a nappy nap and hope to see you all there. Here are directions for those who need 'em.
The other two acts are traveling here from NYC and here's a little background information on Balthrop, Alabama, whose lead singer Pascal Balthrop, is a high school friend of Peter and Paul Wilm of EAOE notoriety via Mobile, Ala.
Balthrop, Alabama
Website: http://www.balthropalabama.com
Current Location: Brooklyn, New York
You may have heard that the town of Balthrop, Alabama was founded in 1847 in Alabama’s Iron Belt. You might also have heard that Balthrop was once a booming steel town, but these days it has relaxed into an easier pace, providing a home to a close-knit community of shopowners, innkeepers, handymen, farmers, students, and a milkman. They do a pretty good job of keeping each others’ secrets. Or so you may have heard.
In fact, the band Balthrop, Alabama was formed in early 2006 in Brooklyn, New York by Alabama-born songwriter-siblings Pascal and Lauren Balthrop and eight or nine of their musically-inclined neighbors. They get together every so often to sing songs about dead people in love.
[As a footnote, this show somehow made king of smarm J.R. Taylor's
Setlist for this week from The Black and White (weekly Birmingham news/entertainment tabloid). I guess we'll appreciate the back handed compliments he's so infamous for. It sure beats no publicity at all. -- BB ]