Tom Waits at the Alabama Theater

Here's all a crappy cell phone camera could provide.

I approached last night's concert not a huge fan of Tom Waits as many of my friends and sister are, but with appreciation for his talent and legend as a multi-faceted artist. It was two hours of pure amazement. The stage set-up was immaculately designed with Waits' son Casey to his right on percussion and the rest of the band, surrounding him in semi-circle and featuring a wide array of instrumentation included stand-up bass, mandolin, soprano and baritone sax, oboe and bass clarinet. Waits stood on a circular platform lined with what looked like antique circus lights and covered in a fine chalk-like powder that emitted a smoke like affect when he laid down his signature stomps.

Friend and co-worker Mary Colurso summed it up much better in a review today in which she gave the show five out of five stars. I've seen just one other show that got such accolades this year if memory serves.

Although not taken at the Alabama Theater last night, these photos taken in Jacksonville, Fla. three days earlier give a good visual of what the stage looked like last night. I am sick that I followed the rules of no cameras when I was surrounded by them, still and video, once we got up to the balcony. I won't make that mistake again.

Thanks to Patrick Privee, of NYC, for use of these photos.


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