Happy Birthday Mimi!

Me and my grandparents, 1973, Sea Island, Ga. Mimi and I making biscuits, 1975, Lyme, New Hampshire. She took care of me for a week or two when my sister was born. Did my smock not rock? My grandparents at our first house in Auburn, 1978. Four generations: Mimi, my Aunt Claudia, cousin Laura and her three children, Ryan, Kaitlyn and Evan, 2005. This was taken on a super hot August day in EdwinWarner Park in Nashville (hence a couple of unhappy kiddos). Today my sole grandparent turns 86. She will never read this blog entry or any words that appear on a computer screen, but that's okay. She doesn't like a lot of attention or sentiment anyway. That's just Mimi. My grandmother was born Elizabeth Ann, known as Betty, in 1922 in Dearborn, Michigan. She was the first born to a Swedish immigrant named John Eric Noreen and his French Canadian wife Isabelle Elizabeth Chartier. Mimi's father worked for one the Big Four auto companies. My mother's and my first name are also El...