The amazing Audrey Rose, three years, three months

Last weekend my sister and I went to Atlanta, a trip briefly mentioned in my last post, to see our friends Tim and Angela and their two tiny girls. Last time Lindsay and I laid eyes on Audrey Rose was two years ago and I guess there's no need to point out that the difference between the age one and three is as vast as the Mojave. While there have been major changes in my life as well in this time period, Audrey has gone from a somewhat bald just-walking baby to a fully functioning member of kid society with thoughts, opinions, preferences (for many things ultra girlie) and of course many many questions that all start with "Why?"
A baby no more, Audrey is the spitting image of her mama with an intense curiosity about the workings of the world like her papa. She's a proud big sister to seven-week-old Harper Jane and loved having ladies day out with me, Angela and Lindsay on Monday. I feel slightly guilty by not showing more appreciation for newborn Harper on this post, but know in short time we'll be seeing another force-of-nature personality bloom as we have with her older sister.
Some funny Audrey moments that I jotted down in my trusty reporter's notebook:
Me to A at dinner: "Can I have one your curls?"
A to me: "No, you can have pizza."
A to me after I showed her how to build a pyramid out of blocks, "You're such a smart little girl." She was the one that observed the the pyramid from the side looked just like steps.
A to me after I got her stuffed bunny off the top bookshelf in her bedroom, "When I grow up I wanna be tall like you." (Mind you both parents are taller than me, her dad over 6 feet)
A to me at 8:00 a.m. my body clock time, "I think you need some more sleep."
Me to A, "I think you're right."
A to a very groggy morning time me, "But why do you need to rest your head?"
Me to A, "I just do." (this sequence repeated about four times)
Linday to A, "Why do you ask so many questions?"
A to Lindsay, "I don't know." (and runs away quickly)
A to me and Angela, "I want Lindsay Brown to make my breakfast."
A to me in the car after given a piece of after-lunch gum,
"Harper can't chew gum. She's a baby."
As Linds and I were getting ready to leave Audrey took me aside by the hand and said, "I want to show you my favorite toy." I was expecting something princess-related, but she pulls out a battery powered toy chain saw and displays it to me proudly in her sassy little candy striped dress, beaming from ear to ear.
