I remember this day back in 1980. I was in second grade and had come home from a Christmas school party where I had to wear a skirt -- ugh! (amazing how those unpleasant moments really stand out). I came home from school, eager to change in to my play clothes and Mom told me John Lennon had been killed. I didn't understand the impact of that moment until years later, but I do remember Mom saying that John Lennon had made music that was very important to her and that was all I needed to know that John Lennon was important to me too. My Beatles love fully blossomed in high school, with the early Beatles albums, "The White Album", "Sgt. Peppers" and "Magical Mystery Tour" that I had disccovered as a child.
In college I discovered "Abbey Road" and that has become my favorite. Our college friend Danny Gamble used to have Beatles night once a year at his house where he would play their albums -- on original vinyl since Danny was around when those albums were released. I will always appreciate the guts John Lennon had to speak out against war and the establishment and his quick wit was a force to be reckoned with.
There will never be anything quite like the chemistry that was The Beatles -- a magic moment in time made important by a visionary voice known as John Lennon.
I had a wicked high school Beatles phase, too, adn right in the middle of it I saw Paul McCartney at the Ranch market in Tucson and thought that i would die (because he was my favorite Beatle and lo, there he was buying asparagus with Linda in Tucson...WTF? So surreal).
Paul and Linda were wonderful, really. She died in Tucson--her death certificate says Pima County. I still have a soft spot in my heart for Paul and his cute puppy dog eyes, even though he's a total grampa now.
Your new post about Christmas--did you read mine? I do not get these people. There are like 7 zillion things more important than this. WASTE OF BREATH AND AIR TIME, Dammit. USe the publicity to say something that matters.