I am happy to report that Fab Five Freddie, the feline, is back to obnoxious, bossy, nosey, presumptuous ways after a illness that lasted well over a week. After the kitty catheter came out and he came home, something was off. He was hiding and not eating and both of those behaviors completely contradict the real Fred. He also would not stop throwing up so it was back to vet where they gave him an enema (poor kitter) and he came home with medicine all over his back end that, when he tried to lick off, would make him throw up so we were back to square one so I thought. K and I decided to do something drastic by giving him a bath. Fortunately we had some pet shampoo and while he hated every minute of it, the bath allowed him to turn the corner into recovery. Now its like he was never sick. Today I got a picture of him as he was sunbathing at the back door all laid out like a big sausage. All his old behaviors are welcome signs, because there have been a few times in the past two weeks when I thought we were going to lose our Fred. I am thankfully relieved that is not the case.
Freddie even figured out a way to weasel outdoors tonight, proving his male cat studliness in still fully intact. I have to say I was relieved.