Now I'm 34 -- birthday backtrack

I know I haven't updated in a while so here is a week's recap. I spent my birthday week in low gear starting with a small birthday party on the actual day-o-celebration (March 20) with K's famous chili and a cake and a handful of good friends. The next day I went to Atlanta to see my best friend, Clare. We always make plans for major Atlanta outings, but usually decide in the end that cooking, movie watching, beer drinking and trashy tabloid magazine reading are just as fun without the hellish traffic nightmare that seems to invade every part of the city. It was a nice, quiet birthday week spent with with people and critters I love. I couldn't have asked for more.


mojoala said…
Shit, there's another likeness. Your birthday and my Grandmothers(God rest her soul)was the same day.

Ya don't look a day over 25!
Speed42 said…
Happy birthday Brooks. Though I'm giving up 34 soon, it's been possibly the best year of my life.

Have fun with it.
BeckEye said…
Yay! You're a year older than me!! I love that! ;)

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