I don't have kids, I have parents

It's weird the way life goes full circle. Thirty years ago it was those two who made sure my sister and I were taken care of and now that is what she and I do when my parents come for a visit.

I lay in a deep coma this morning at 8:00 a.m., physically exhausted from the amount of marathon cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, reorganizing, washing, drying I did in preparation for the parental visit. A bearded face kisses my cheek and then says, "In this morning's New York Times there's a clue for a Rolling Stones' song that has the word 'sugar' in it."

Without opening my eyes or moving a single inch from the carefully crafted wind tunnel I create with electric fans and squishy pillows, I reply, "Brown Sugar, Dad" and steal another 20 minutes of sleep before I officially wake up to two fully-engaged, well-caffeinated parents who are ready to start the day.

I always say I wish I could channel the energy of a three-year-old during drag-ass days, but I will have to make an addendum. I also wish I could channel the energy of my parents.

(Post script: I didn't even realize the double meaning of 'Brown Sugar' until Waddy pointed it out -- weird!)


angela said…
I LOVE this story. I love your dad. I want to see your dad and hug your mom. I want to ask him, "How do you not know that...BRown. BROWN!"
: )
You have an awesome family. But, you already knew that.
Have you seen the preview for the movie about crosswords? You should be in it. You and your sister.
Brooks Brown said…
Thanks Waddy. You have an awesome family too. I dreamed about all of you, including Mama Rose, last night.
I predict Audrey Bean will have some funny dad stories to tell when she goes live with her very own blog.
Jamie said…
What are your parents doing OUTSIDE of Montana in the SUMMER??? Don't they know it's suppoed to go the other way? Visit the kids down south in the winter, the southerners come to MOntana in the summer?? Heh, heh! Hope you have a great visit!
angela said…
i want to hear more about this dream!
: )
Brooks Brown said…
Jamie -- They were all too happy to get back to the humidity-free weather of Montana and they made it clearly known.

Waddy -- You were pregnant in the dream.

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