Boston rewind


I went to Boston for Labor Day to see one of my favorite people of all time, Roy, and his new bride Liane (also an old friend). Like Clare, I have known Roy since my first semester at Montevallo, some 16 years ago (ouch!). It was just the right mix of fast paced and no paced activities that included:

* A Sonic Youth concert

* A Cat Power concert (we were in the front row)

* Trips to Jamaica Pond park and Arnold Arboretum (in their Boston neighborhood called Jamaica Plain, pictured above)

* A shopping trip to Newbury Street to the original famous Newbury Comics (and the Hello Kitty! store)

* Great meals both out and in

* Movies, movies and more movies including "Little Miss Sunshine" at the historic Coolidge Theater (if you are reading this, go see this movie now); back at the crib we saw the tragically trashy "Behind the Camera: the Unauthorized Story of Diff'rent Strokes" which will stay with us forever because of its total trashiness

Packing up to leave reminded me of that dreaded last day of camp feeling. I am already making plans to go back up to Boston, maybe for good at some point.

More Boston photos are here.


BeckEye said…
Sounds like you had a wicked awesome time.

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