Cat Power to the people


Cat Power, a.k.a. Chan Marshall, played two solo shows at the Boston Museum of Fine Art. Roy suggested we get there early to get a good seat and low-and-behold, we were the first two in line meaning we got front and center seats. The rule was no flash photography so I did my best with some long exposure shots. The Flickr album is here.

Since there was no real stage, only a 12 inch riser, the show felt more like being in someone's living room. She was funny, talkative and brilliant sounding on piano, guitar and acapella and had the entire audience wrapped around her little finger by the show's end.

I highly recommend the latest Cat Power album, "The Greatest". Roy described it to me at her very own "Dusty in Memphis" and after listening to it all this week, I agree that his description is perfect. After hearing the "Sound of Birmingham" album so recently, it's ironic to hear another album so infused with sixties sounding R & B.


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