Clare and I drove to Macon, Ga. Friday night, March 9, the legendary Loretta Lynn. She played at the Macon City Auditorium to an enthused crowd of about 500. I was impressed, but not surprised to see everyone from spiky -haired college kids to women well into their seventies into the crowd. Loretta is still feisty although limited physically by a shoulder injury that left her seated for much of the show. The highlights were her classics like "Fist City,""One's on the Way,""Don't Come Home a Drinkin ,""You're Looking at Country,""Honky Tonk Girl," and of course her signature "Coal Miner's Daughter." Lynn's granddaughter Taylor helped her " MeeMaw " out by an energetic rendition of "Mad Mrs. Leroy Brown" off the stellar 2004 album "Van Lear Rose." Lynn and her back-up singers performed a chill bump inspiring A Capella version of "How Great Thou Art" that beautifully...