Crack cats

Pictured: Above: Gus endures the hard life while I catch up on "The Office." Below: I have grown up with cats and have never seen one stretch its hind legs out while lying down (not to mention while crossing its front paws.)

It's time for bed on a week night and as I'm closing the apartment down, I gently lift each kitten with his/her bed and place them on my bed. I don't do anything to entice them to get revved up, but no matter what, between 1:00-2:00 a.m. becomes the crack hour for Gus and Maddy Lou. They chase each other around like wild rabid beasts and last night I actually saw Maddy run so fast that she was able to briefly walk vertically on the wall. I thought Tony Hawk would be impressed, but not so much my downstairs neighbor who I just saw for the first time this week and didn't make eye contact with him.

I know, living in a poorly insulated building built in the teens, that I can hear everything my upstairs neighbor does from pulling a chair out to turning on his bathtub faucet, so I can only imagine what the cat rodeo sounds like, not to mention the balls with bells that constantly roll around the apartment. However, they are cats and unlike dogs, they run on their own fuel and their own schedules and I am merely there to provide them an endless food supply, toys, multiple cozy beds and a playground. I'm okay with this relationship as long as I get to love on them once and a while without them squirming away and shaking me off. I can't speak for my downstairs neighbor.


Your cat is cute!~

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