Creature comforts



Maddy Lou and Gus have been with me for two weeks now. I feel like I have had them for months. They are such a bonded pair that usually it seems like I'm odd woman out, but that's okay.

The kittens do everything together. They turn into freakazoid cats at about 2:00 a.m. most nights. They sleep at the same time and usually in the same bed (made for one cat). They eat at the same time (from the same bowl), drink water at the same time and sometimes use the litter box one right after another. Maddy goes back and forth between acting like Gus's littermate or acting like his mother. She cleans him and gets very anxious if he is separated from her and can hear him meow and can't find him. She's a good big sister and I am lucky, satisfied and grateful to have an apartment that now feels like a home thanks to these two.


More recent photos of the kitters are here.


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