Well, what do you know?

I realize I am the last person in America to see Ray. Yes, I am aware it came out three years ago and while I've heard nothing but good reviews, I'm obviously way behind the curve with my movie watching.

Jamie Foxx's transformation into Charles was miraculous and the editing and acting all the way through, even in the most minor of characters, was incredible. Foxx played all the piano parts himself and seemed to be possessed by the spirit of the genius godfather of R&B.

One performance that stood out was that of Charles' mother, Aretha Robinson. The scenes with her struggling as a single mother are heartbreaking, but also inspiring in that she prepared young Ray for a life as the ruler of his own destiny, despite his handicap and impoverished childhood in north Florida.

What a shock is was to find out the actor that played this character is from Opelika, Ala. -- the sister city of my hometown of Auburn. From the imbd.com boards, I gather that Sharon Warren was born in Opelika, went to high school in Montgomery and attended college at Auburn and Stillman University in Tuscaloosa.

For anyone out there who hasn't seen "Ray," I couldn't recommend it any more highly. The story of Charles' life is one of the great American success stories.


angela said…
To make you feel better, we still haven't seen it.
Jamie said…
Girl, I miss SO MANY movies, it's SAD. I did catch Ray when it came out on DVD, and LORDY, that was a great movie! I couldn't believe how high quality and tasteful it was, not to mention JAmie Foxx's spot-on Ray...amazing! Thanks for viviting Norther Town...I been wonderin' how you're doin'. I"m going to Missoula and Kalispell for the first time in the five years I have lived in MT...we'll ahve to compare notes, and I'll shout out to your folks from the highway. Oh, wait...did they leave Montana? I thought I read that somewhere....anyway...HI!

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