"Mommas don't let yo babies grow up to be senators"

This spoof song, a la "Weird" Al, was written by my friend and musician/songwriter and former band mate Eric McGinty in response to the international embarrassment also known as Alabama Sen. Charles Bishop (see previous post.
It's sung to the tune of Waylon and Willie's "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys." You might want to dust off your "Urban Cowboy" soundtrack if you wanna sing along.

On a political note, isn't it interesting that Fox 'we love us a good circus' News hasn't touched this one since it involved a Republican looking the ass, guess they have enough of those in Washington.

Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be Senators

Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be Senators
They give themselves raises and charge to the town
And then end the day with a senate smackdown
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be Charles Bishop
If you make him a comment he can't understand
He'll respond to you with his right hand
You'll have to forgive senator Bishop, he's been through a trauma
Where he comes from that's someone talking bad about your momma
He said that's not the way grown people solve problems but
There's something Lowell Barron oughta know
If he runs his mouth it's the Code of the South
That he'll get another "Lowell" blow
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be senators
Don't let 'em pick fights on the Alabama senate floor
Tell 'em that's what Celebrity Death Match is for
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be Charles Bishop
You can call him an idiot and he will stay calm
Just don't you mess with his mom
Senators ain't easy to love and they're kind of a snob
They'd rather just filibuster than do their own job
Lawmakers in Alabama have never been accused of pioneering
Anything other than screwing a brother
For messing with whitey's good thing
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be senators
They rant and they rave and they cause such a storm
Sucker-punching over election reform
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be Charles Bishop
If he can't control himself and his own kitsch
Then screw that ole son of a bitch

(posted with permission by Eric McGinty)


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