The sea -- no place I'd rather be


I spent Labor Day week at Jekyll Island, Georgia with Clare and her mother, Barbara. As a kid, my family vacationed across the sound at St. Simon's Island and there is something about the beaches of the Atlantic that are so much more interesting (and less populated with commercial waste) than those of the Gulf. There's not a single national chain on the island with the exception of a 1950's style resort that was bought by Radisson. That was literally the only logo I saw the entire week -- what a nice break!

We spent a lot of time fishing and in our week hauled in sea bass, sea trout, croaker, blow fish (very cute), sea cat, toad fish, blue crab and some monstrosity Clare caught in her net she named "the turd crab."
Swimming, biking, cooking and some excellent naps were had in the camper that Clare and her mom have parked at the Jekyll Island campground. Like any good vacation, we hated to leave and are already looking forward to getting back.
More photos from our adventures are here.


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