You just haven't earned it yet baby.


It seems to me after seeing Ryan Adams and the Cardinals Monday night at The Alabama Theatre, that he has two types of fans -- those that live to taunt his delicate, stormy ego and those who would buy an album of him burping along to The Tijuana Brass Band. I am neither.

I went with a friend who I've known since grammar school who recently moved to town, not so much to see him, but to spend time with her. I've heard about Adams great songwriting as well as his strange stage antics for years and knew that whatever he brought forth would probably be worth witnessing, but I was wrong.

Unfortunately, from the first set, it seems that the group is trying to fill the tired void of the jam band. If I closed my eyes during the first set I was reminded of the endless Grateful Dead bootlegs my room mate listened to during my freshman year in college. I always wondered why it was necessary to have 50 tapes of the same guitar noodling over and over ad
nauseam. This first set was it was fine technically, but creatively lacking to say the least. Granted the harmonies during the set were absolutely beautiful, I could have given a damn less about what sounded like a lot like Phish, especially when I've heard so recommendations about Adams, from people whose music tastes I respect.

After taking a 20 minute intermission, because those are done so often in rock shows, Adams came back with what to me sounded like the song style he is known for and eight songs into the set he storms off after "hecklers" penetrated his delicate ego by daring to request songs -- his songs at that. Poor Mr. Sensitive. I know how hard it must be to have to deal with audience requests when you are playing to a crowd of about 2000 who all paid around $45 for their tickets.

As my best concert buddy in the world, Roy, put it in an post show rant e-mail chain we sent back and forth, "
In ten year’s time, when he’s just another singer-songwriter footnote, he’ll be lucky if people are still requesting his songs."

From parts of his recent Web site thread, hard core fans all seem blame the audience -- a pathetic rationalism for a big-headed brat who is lucky to be where he is. Many of us were wishing someone would call out a Bryan Adams song request to see if he would he explode the way he did during a 2002 Nashville show.

Voice of generation? I would like to think the voice of my generation has some humility and professionalism. Maybe after this tour he can watch some footage of Willie Nelson, Elvis Costello and Loretta Lynn and learn something about showmanship.

In the meantime, I'm trying to get over my $45 wasted.


Jamie said…
I hate arrogant musicians. I love Elvis C. & James Taylor shows for their humility and stories as much as the music...I'll never grow tired of them! Ryan Adams is kinda lame.

Also, it was fun to see "Baby" Ben's little sister. Cute! Great name, too!

Glad to see you pop in at my blog now and then. You are a good e-friend.

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