Don't be a Dick

Cartoon by Glen McCoy
I guess we should be glad this week that we live in a country where cartoons like these are par for the course (and plentiful). Cheney and the Bush administration have all the lashings coming to them for being so secretive about this event. It makes a person wonder what was going on in those 24 hours between the shooting and the news release that didn't come from the White House, but from a member of the hunting party. If this was the accident that they are claiming it was, then why the delay and the secrecy? Can this administration not even handle an accident without a public relations pitfall? I suppose not.


Jamie said…
seriously, much of a conservative as I am, i have to agree. it makes me just kinda hide my eyes and cringe...
Brooks Brown said…
the justifications on the delay are pretty pathetic. even scott mcclellan said it should have been handled better and we all know from watching "the daily show" how tight-lipped the press secretary is. bottom line to me is if there was nothing to hide, then why not come forward fast to press and the white house. it just makes no sense to be mum about it if there truly was nothing to hide because of the fall out that unsurprisingly did happen. cheney lives in his own bubble as has been proven in the past week,

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