Comfort zones

I am a grown person I know, but I still believe in concept of security blankets especially in times of stress. During 9/11 it was my new kittens from the humane society that I held and loved on while soaking in the reality of those hard moments that begin four years ago today. This week it has really helped to post blog entries and wear my new kangol visor, that already looks like it is 10 years old, while absorbing the news from Louisiana.

I know that is weird, especially since I am woman. I have heard criticism from friends and family alike about how girls shouldn't wear caps my entire life, but it never has and never will stop me. It keeps overhead light glare out of my eyes, hides less than presentable hair and for some reason, provides me with a sense of comfort and relaxation and always has. When I was a kid, I wouldn't wear my team cap from softball until the day of the game. There was something sacred and ceremonial about the 'team cap' and that magic carries on to a just a select few caps in my collection. This past week I lost my new green visor and had a panic that reminded me of when I would lose my stuffed bunny Frances as a child. Suddenly my mind raced to every place I had been with green visor in the past day and what if ... what if ... I NEVER FOUND IT EVER AGAIN?!

Frances always showed up. She is in my top drawer as I speak and I found my visor too. I even slept in it one time this week after crashing after an all nighter spent on a freelance magazine job. Weird thing is that it felt comfortable the entire time. I know I am confessing some weirdness here and putting myself out there, but come on, doesn't everyone have items of comfort whether they be old shirts, quilts, cozy socks or well worn Levi's that are faded at the knees.

What are your items of comfort?

Bring it!


cmhl said…
hmmmmm. comfort items.

I have old sweatshirt from law school that it pretty ratty, but it is so cozy and comfortable. and, I still have my stuffed animal from my childhood, suzy, in a drawer in my nightstand..
Brooks Brown said…
I have one t-shirt from college that is almost completely destroyed. It is unwearable and almost unreadable, but has a band's name and tour dates on it and I cannot throw it away to save me. Sometimes I take it out of the drawer where it lives and just smell it and rub my face on it. I can't let go of that shirt.
BeckEye said…
Once the weather gets cold, I love to snuggle up on the couch at night with my big fuzzy blanket. It's a Houston Oilers blanket. Yes, I'm from Pittsburgh. The Steelers and the Oilers had a serious rivalry back in the day. However, the Oilers are no more, so it may very well be a collector's item. I didn't buy it for myself. A friend of our family bought it for me because she thought red and blue were my college colors. My alma mater's colors are maroon and grey. How she confused that is beyond me, but I don't care. I freaking love that blanket!
Brooks Brown said…
cmhl and sangrocito glad to hear you have your stuffed animals too. sometimes i think i should put mine in a safety deposit box so nothing happens to her, but then what would be the point?

beckeyethat does sound like a collector's item. the oilers are now the tennessee titans right? i grew up in auburn so the tigers are to all us auburn kids what the pirates and steelers are to a lot of pittsburgh kids. funny how you got your oilers blanket. did your steelers'-loving friends not give you pure hell for using it?
mojoala said…
glad i am in the same boat, I have a teddy bear collection, my comfort zone is in my study where my bears are....
Lee Ann said…
I have never been able to wear hats. I think many girls look cute in them, but I have never liked the way they look on me. I have to say I love my flannel pj pants, oversized tshirt, and my "sea turtle socks". They are thick and cusiony and warm. ( I think I got them at Disney World). ummmm....straight from the dryer is absolutely the best.
David Stehle said…
Yeah, everyone has comfort clothes. Mine are a few particular baseball hats - all broken in nice and comfy the way I like them. Other comfort clothes I have are a hooded sweatshirt from playing basketball in college, differnt worn tees, jeans and even shorts that just relax me and make me feel at home.

You know what sucks though? On occasion a buddy or a girlfriend "borrows" one of your favorite comfy clothes and it's never seen or heard from again.
Brooks Brown said…
There are certain comfy items that are never allowed out of this house for fear that they will never make it back.When jeans, caps, shirts get worn the right way, they become priceless.
EXSENO said…
I don't look good in hats either.

I do however wear caps, a lot and I like a blanket in the fall when watching T.V. but I don't think thos are my comfy things. If you mean comfy as in security, I think it would be my hot tea and something sweet late at night. Yup, food that's my comfort zone.
Jamie said…
PLEASE can I just wear my PJ bottoms EVERYWHERE!?! I love them, although I keep getting fatter with every baby, so every 2 1/2 years I am breaking in a new pair!!! My Freshman year of college my grandma sent me a care pkg with 2 class of '89 mugs, a box of cocoa mix, and a woven reversible blanket that has been "My Nappy" ever since--I only need it to take a nap, though.
Brooks Brown said…
Exseno Yeah, comfort food could be a whole nother subject. My late night favorite is a bowl of cereal.

Jamie What a nice present from your grandma. She had some comfort items in mind.
I am all about some pajama pants too.
I sadly had to throw away a pair of blue scrubs last year that I had for almost five years. It was like that scene in "A Christmas Story" when Ralphie said he thought he heard Taps being played as his father buried the broken leg lamp in the backyard.
Jamie said…
Dude, you can come stay at B&B anytime cuz we's all about the PJ pants and late night cereal--just grape nuts and bananas! YAY! Thing is, i pretty much hate it for breakfast. Best breakfast? Cold Pizza or toast with turkey lunchmeat and icy juice. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but you should hear what I like when I am pregnant--it gets ever crazier...

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