satellite radio haikus

pretenders, new order
all in one ride home last night
i kept on driving.

reminds me of when
radio didn't suck ass
and has real dee jays

with all your channels
i am never road weary
what station to choose?

deep cut by the smiths
the church follows the pixies
replacements trump all

if rock gets old
loretta lynn or sade
can pass my time well

how i love xm
clear channel can kiss the dirt
no use for them now


mojoala said…
oh, I remember when MTV had veejays. Now MTV has all of the trash reality crap.

Even the networks, It's all about reality TV and Crime dramas.

Sitcoms are dropping like flies....

No one wants to laugh anymore!
Brooks Brown said…
i think they want to laugh, just at has been celebrity trash acting like drunken morons rather than cleverly scripted writing. "all in the family" was such a radical show and what even comes close on major network prime time?
people eating cockroaches?
Anonymous said…
i read your blog every day chicken. i make tim read it too! ; )
thanks for the reassurance about the TB thing. i'm sure we're okay too- it's just weird to think about the possibility of having it. frightening really.
Brooks Brown said…
it is frightening, but i think your chances are very slim. it wouldn't hurt to drink some orange juice though or find some other source of vitamin c just to give your immune systems a little charge.
Brooks Brown said…
I sent XM radio my haikus and this is what they sent back -- a freakin' generic form letter. I thought they should have used my idea as a contest or maybe an idea for a commercial or at least an online hollah. Maybe I should just call this Shamere.

Dear Brooks,

Thank you for contacting XM Satellite Radio. We apologize for the delay in responding.

We are truly happy to hear that you are thoroughly enjoying XM Satellite Radio Brooks, we appreciate the time you took to express your gratitude about the product. We look forward in providing you with years of excellent listening pleasure.

Thank you,
Shamere Burke
XM's Listener Care Representative
1-800-XM RADIO (800-967-2346)
mojoala said…
form letters, automated phone system, etc, nobody want to get personal anymore....
Hector Drone said…
Cool. Do they have an on-line broadcast as well?
Brooks Brown said…
Yes they do, but you have to be a subscriber. It's the live DJs I love. The channels called Lucy and Fred are my absolute favorites.

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