
Jamie Melin tagged me a while back. So here it goes:

4 Jobs I’ve Had

Pizza baker
Music director at summer camp
T-ball coach
Design director

4 Movies I Can Watch Over & Over

The Breakfast Club
But I'm a Cheerleader
Waiting for Guffman

4 Places I Have Lived

Nashville, Tennessee
Troutville, Virginia
Montevallo, Alabama
Lyme, New Hampshire

4 Places I Want to Live

Portland, Oregon
Brooklyn, New York
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Chicago, Illinois

4 TV Shows I Watch Regularly

Top Chef
The Amazing Race
Ghost Hunters

4 Highly-Regarded TV shows I have never watched a minute of

Desparate Housewives
The West Wing
The O.C.
CSI: Miami

4 Places I Have Vacationed

St. Simon's Island, Georgia
Fort Morgan, Alabama
Missoula, Montana
Victoria, British Columbia

4 Places I would Like to Vacation

Coastal Mexico

4 Favorite Dishes

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken Pesto Pizza
Mongolian Beef
Greek Salad

4 Sites I visit daily

Celebrity baby blog (guilty pleasure)
My Daily Struggle (my friend Angela's blog -- she's the first blogger I've known)
myspace.com (another guilty pleasure)

4 Places I Would Rather Be

A beach
A lake
A pool
A river

4 People I am Tagging

Angela Wadsworth Longfellow
Christopher J. Tutor
Joey Warren
Becky of "The Pop Eye"


Lee Ann said…
I love The Breakfast Club...one of my favorites too.

St. Simon Island is great, right along with Jeckyl Island and Sea Island. They are beautiful.
Brooks Brown said…
I totally agree with you. I love those areas so much better than the cheesed out Gulf Coast. The Gulf has more beautiful beaches, but the Atlantic has better community beach life.
angela said…
i'm so flattered, but what is a stuggle?
i love you!
save the date (may 13th)
Brooks Brown said…
you beee-yotch!
it's a struggle being tugged from either end.


congrats on the the grady high job. i have a friend that went there. i can't believe that audrey is almost one.
BeckEye said…
Ahhhhh! I'm it. Ok...I'll play.
BeckEye said…
I will do it. It's just taking me a little longer than expected!

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