What ... tha...... HAIL?

There aren't a lot of advantages to being an insomniac, but last night was an exception. I went to bed at the very decent hour of 10:30 to wake up suddenly at 2:30 a.m. and, yet again, I wasn't able to get back to sleep. I started working on the computer when I saw flashes of lighting through the window. I checked weather.com and saw we had a storm system coming through central Alabama from Mississippi and went back to my business. About ten minutes later I heard a horrific sound of the roof like nails were coming down from above. It scared the dog from a deep sleep as she ran around the house barking. What was falling is what I would call 25 cent gumball-sized hail. This is only the second time I've seen hail in my life. It's one of the strangest weather phenomena in my opinion as we had temperatures in the '80s yesterday and then ice buckets just hours later.
Chris Tutor got a good picture of it to show you its exact size. The hail in my picture is pretty shattered from hitting the roof and then the deck.
Another moment in Birmingham history was made today as well as my friends and neighbors Mark and Cathy Kelly welcomed their baby girl to world this morning.

At 8:32 a.m. Hannah Cate Kelly was born weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces, 20" inches long. She joins her big brother Wilson who is 2 -- a happy and eventful day indeed.
The aforementioned Chris T. and his wife and also fellow co-worker, Christina, are expecting a bambino delivery this week as well and ironically have the same due date as the Kellys of April 3. The baby that has been dubbed "Baby T" for the past seven or so months will have a name and a face. My official title for this period is Baby Watch '06 -- it has a cheesey television news element, huh?
UPDATE: Baby T has arrived! William Wayne Tutor was born Wednesday 04/05/06 (cool birthday!) weighing 9 pounds 7 ounces and is 21 inches long -- a hoss! Christina and baby Will are doing fine just down the street at Montclair hospital. New Papa Chris, the tech junkie, has already got this kid blogged with video and multiple photos.