6 Christmas music moments sans holiday cheese

I have been mentally sifting through the massive amounts of popular Christmas cheese in the past couple of weeks and have a found a few golden nuggets that need to be mentioned. When you dig deep past the piles of Kenny G and John Tesh Christmas albums, and past all the crap you hear in department stores, you can find some Christmas moments that stand out in a good way -- not too sentimental and with class and sometimes humor that make them timeless. I have divided these into music and television divisions and will start with the first six songs.

10. Elvis -- "Blue Christmas"

I have always liked modern Christmas songs that are about Christmas and not tiring renditions of past Christmas carols or other tired holiday songs. At this point in the season, I feel like if I hear "White Christmas" or "Jingle Bell Rock" again I am going to commit an act of violence toward a red poinsettia.

Elvis captures a mood here. Everyone has had one of these Christmases where the whole word is telling you to be happy and you just can't oblige whether it be matters of the heart and/or wallet. Haven't we all been there?

Best lyric: "Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree, won't be the same dear if you're not here with me."

A truly fine line. We feel ya big guy.

9. Brenda Lee -- "Rockin' around the Christmas Tree"

This song captures that blissful naive time in the late '50's and early '60s when white kids gathered 'round to experience that crazy new thing know as Rock 'n' Roll. The lyrics are mightly tame, but I always detected undertones of naughty activity going on in the background like the kid who might have spiked the punchbowl and possible makeout sessions in between caroling fueled by the spiked punch.

Best lyric: "Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday. Everyone dancin' merrily, In the new old-fashioned way."

Funny to think that "rockin'" was ever considered new. Although the lyrics are pure as snow, I think when "rockin'" is mentioned there must be some sinnin' involved somewere close behind. Here's a random piece of trivia: Bubblegum pop star of the sixties and Georgia native, Brenda Lee, recorded with Jimmy Page in 1964.-

8. Andy Williams -- "Happy Holidays/It's the Holiday Season"

The brilliant Irving Berlin actually wrote the "Happy Holidays" part. Andy wishes so badly he was Frank Sinatra here that it's kind of sad, in that way that Darius Rucker always tried to sound like Eddie Vedder. Sorry pal, but at least he got to swing like Sinatra and the rat pack with this hip holiday take on a nursey rhyme.

Best lyric: "It's the holiday season. So whoop di doo and dickory dock. Don't forget to hang up your sock. He'll be coming down the chimney down."

7. Beck -- "Little Drum Machine Boy"

I found a nice review of this songs at whiskeyclone.net that perfectly sums up this entry:

Beck announces clearly at the beginning of the song what he is doing—dropping some Hanukkah science, in what I think is a musical first. The music is trippy and fun (especially that bass) and a Hanukkah robot adds some Jewish prayers. The song would later be released on a DGC alt-rock Christmas compilation called "Just Say Noel".

Starting with the traditional Christmas carol, "Little Drummer Boy," Beck twists it around to be about Hanukkah, modernizes it to a drum machine, and has an amazing time doing it.

"Baruch Atah Adonei Elohenu Melech Ha Olom" is the first line of a Jewish prayer that is said at the lighting of Hanukkah candles and is the funky robot chant that carries throughout the song.

Beck Hansen get an A+ and many gold stars for creativity on this song. It rocks as well as any Beck hit does and gives subtle props to one of the other December religious celebrations.

Sample lyric: I turn it out in a holiday mode. Safe like a seat belt in a Volvo. Keepin' it real like a spray-snow tree. We'll shut it down harmoniously. Rocking softly, 808 beats


6. Paul McCartney -- Wonderful Christmas Time

Here is another popular song that's not another tired takeoff of a traditional carol or Christmas song. Paul was getting a little experimental with Wings and the electronic keys back in the '70s, but I think it works in a weird Tubular Bells kind of way. Every time I hear this song I think about Paul and Linda McCartney and their children gathered around a fireplace because I imagine that Paul wrote it for his family -- just my hunch. It's a warm peaceful and humble song by one of the best musicians and songwriters of the 20th century and I will always have a soft spot for it.

Sample lyric: The moon is right. The spirits up. We're here tonight. And that's enough. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time.
5. Bing Crosby and David Bowie -- "Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy"

I wonder what brilliant person said, "Let's get these two together!" -- David Bowie and Bing Crosby -- such a natural music match. As unlikely a duo as these two are, the song really works. The video version has the two talking before the song where David mentions his son, who was young at the time. This has always been one of my favorite Christmas carols because of the beautiful lyrics, but this version is especially wonderful and really stands out. I was surprised to learn this was recorded in 1982. I had always thought it was a 70's gem.

Sample lyric: I pray my wish will come true For my child and your child too. He'll see the day of glory. See the day when men of good will. Live in peace, live in peace again


Coming tomorrow -- the top four Christmas music moments.


Lee Ann said…
Brooks, I just love Christmas music, it just gets me in the spirit!
Jamie said…
Man, I am kicking myself for not sending you our 2-CD set of Christmas faves (we made it when we were engaged and sent it out to famiy). The Bowie/Crosby song is on our mix, too, and I love it, too. Surprisingly, I left off McCartney, but CD three is always in the works! I certainly hope that "Fairytale of New York" by the Pogues is in your top 4, cuz, dude, any song withe the lyrics, "You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot, Happy Christmas your arse, I pray God it's our last" has GOT to be a favorite. Cant wait to read more.

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