Psychedelic birthday cake revisited

If you look closely, you can see the '34' in yellow candles. This cake started out with yellow cake mix and white icing and ended up with a blue layer, a purple layer, and with every single color of icing possible using the Roy G. Biv color wheel. Clare is famous for her technocolor birthday cakes. This is the third one she's made for me. Clare referred to this cake as "the gift that keeps on giving" because what goes in colored with purple and blue also goes out purple and blue -- who knew?


Jamie said…
that's classic! i can't get the first pictuer to show--darn the blogger template!--but i love the cake and hope your day was fabulous (same day as my hippie friend, cherish, from high school). once i made my friend paul a bday cake to match his favorite shirt--pea green with navy stripes--and it came out looking much like yours. what a treat! :) welcome to's a lovely place to be, especially when you still look 20-something!

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