The last laugh that lasts -- South Park 2, Tom Cruise 0

I first wrote about the hilarious South Park vs. Tom Cruise and Scientology pseudo controversy back on March 19 of this year. The story grew when the episode, banned in England, was broadcast to the U.K. public in closed screenings.

Here is the latest in the most entertaining entertaiment story of this year. I have no doubt that if Tom Cruise was not an idiot, and had kept his weird mouth shut, this most famous episode of South Park to date, would have caused a quiet, but brief internet buzz and then settled back in the ranks of the show's other hilarious celebrity-bashing archives, right up there with Babs Streisand and Paris Hilton.

Not so.

South Park’s ‘Trapped’ gets Emmy nomination
Controversial episode lampoons Scientology, Tom Cruise

The Associated Press

. - One of the Emmy nominees for best animated program is the episode of “South Park” that’s said to have angered Tom Cruise and Isaac Hayes.The episode called “Trapped in the Closet” implies that Cruise is gay and makes fun of Scientology.

Cruise’s fellow Scientologist Isaac Hayes reportedly quit because he was upset with the episode. And when it came time to rerun it, Cruise allegedly called Comedy Central and demanded that it be pulled. It was, even though Cruise’s people denied he asked for it.


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