the reunion

I don't expect anyone who didn't go to University of Montevallo to care about my new photo blog, but I spent a long time working on it and today, after two months of collecting over 200 photos from friends in attendance, it is done. Also it's some nice documentation of my aforementioned former band, Every Alice on Earth, back together for the first time in six years and who knows how many more years will pass before we play again.

Orr Park is the excellent city park in Montevallo. It's like a tiny version of Central Park with winding paths, large grassy pastures a creek that runs through it. The irony in that similarity is that the famous Holmestead brothers designed both Central Park and the University of Montevallo campus. To add to the beauty of the park, an artist named Tim Tingle has carved Nordic-looking faces into some of the dead, but still standing trees. He started this process in the early 1990s, close to the time I started school there, but his carvings look like they've been there a hundred years.

The reunion blog is here.


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