The nanny diary


After my 48 hour nanny job to three kids this past week I have a new-found respect for any single parent who makes it out child raising alive. I know two parents to one child has major challenges, but it's nothing like one parent to three. Their mother, a friend and co-worker, wanted to get away to the beach for a few days for a much-needed and appreciated trip. She was the one that told me, "Once you have three you might as well have 10." I think there must be some truth to that. Don't get me wrong, I love these kids and they are great almost all of the time, but when there are three of them they never stop talking and most of their conversations are simultaneous and completely unrelated to what the other brother/sister is talking about.

Some interesting and slightly disturbing observations into kid world:

-- People my age playing the parents in their movies (David Arquette and Kristin Davis in "Shark Boy and Lava Girl") I know that should be par for the course as I officially am a member of the mid-thirties gang, but damn, I always thought the parents in kid movies were so out of touch.

-- Scooby Doo cartoons are still being made, but "the gang" now has access to digital cameras and laptops and I don't think this crew has any recollection of those great special guests like The Mamas and the Papas or Sonny and Cher from the early days of the series. Amazingly Casey Kasem is still the voice of Shaggy and he and Scooby remain the ineffective muchie-driven doped duo we have always known them to be.

The funniest part of the kids being over at my house was the animal's reaction. The Great Dane just looked at me while David, 4, wagged her tail for her and wrapped his arms all the way around her massive neck and then literally hung off her. From the mighty pup, a look of bewilderment and fear with dialated concerned pupils, "Are they here to stay? Please, God, NO!"

The cats were terrified and wouldn't come near them at first. Freddie eventually warmed up after he realized how often four-year-olds drop food and they were al carrying him around like a baby doll by the last day. I was proud of the critters for no growling or scratching even once. Hell, I was proud of the kids for the same.


Some of the best kid statements from the week:

Hannah, 7, said during the very serious conversation about boys and crying,
"Girls are different than boys. Girls have feelings"

David, 4, said when I kissed him on the top of his head,
"Miss Bwooks, are you falling in wove with me?"

Ian, 10, responding to David asking me if I was in their family,
"In God's family!"

(in an annoyed manner like, "You dumbass, everyone knew that except you!")

(Pictured above: K, ever the lover of a spread sheet, showed Hannah how to make a kid version. These were the chores that three were responsible for doing or to make sure I did while K was out of town. Whip smart Hannah asked me at least twice a day if I had made sure these tasks were done. I think K wanted to hire her.)


she's like a celebrity

More photos of the triumphant trio are here.


Jamie said…
Yeah...I seriously don't know how single parents live through it! I would DIE if Rich didn't come home for lunch and then for the evening almost every single day for the past five years! I am sooo spoiled!! (and it's STILL hard!). Way to go... I am impressed that you survived! :)

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