You know you're old when ...

.... someone you used to babysit has their own blog.

This is Rivers Langley -- the former baby of Pinedale Drive in Auburn where I grew up. Of course I am not surprised that he has a blog, and a very good one at that, but it does make a person feel old. Rivers was born on Bastille Day (July 14) in 1986 and we neighbor folk watched him turn into a brilliant entrepreneur at the ripe ole age of 5 when he set up a miniature Jurassic Park in his back yard and charged admission. There was also a story I heard about Rivers, at age 4 or younger, scaling his next door neighbors fence while they were having an backyard party and saying, "My name is Rivers and I would like you to have the opportunity to get to know me."

Check out his blog here He goes on some nice rants about Larry the Cable guy and Scott Stapp from Creed. His parents definitely raised this boy right.

A ramdon tie in to my discovery of Rivers' blog involves Richard Pryor. Before Rivers' parents bought their house, a kid named Justin Simon lived there with his family and Justin was the oldest member of our Pinedale gang. Justin's older brother, Rich, was graduating high school when most of us weren't even in middle school yet and Rich had George Carlin and Richard Pryor albums on vinyl and I used to listen to them with Justin. Of course anything that was "for adults only" was something we were going to pursue in droves. I will always love the way the Richard Pryor told it like he saw it -- in no uncertain terms. He was brilliant in his stand up and appreciatable but was never done justice in his movies (although I always loved "The Toy" as a kid).

Comedians like Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle and Eddie Murphy cut their teeth on Pryor's stand up. It didn't matter what subjects he was discussing, even his delivery was funny. I will always appreciate the people in the world who can spit the truth -- Richard Pryor of the old school and Rivers Langley of the new. And to think I came to know both of these people in the same house on Pinedale Drive .... weird damn world.


Lee Ann said…
Those memories are cool.
I used to listen to the Richard Pryor albums on vinyl....that is what makes me feel old! hahaha

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