Baby Anna is here!

I have known Kim since we sixteen. I am one day older than she and at Camp McDowell we were known at the "Guitar Chicks". We played botched renditions of selections from the Camp McDowell songbook, Indigo Girls, R.E.M., Crosby Stills Nash and Young and my favorite was The Pretenders "Back on the Chain Gang." We had a lot of fun and partied all over the state of Alabama at various youth church events (being the die-hard young Whiskeypalians we were) and kept the fun going in college. My band played for a couple of Sewanee parties she helped organize. I hadn't seen her in years when we wound up at the same wedding last year in Huntsville. I got to meet her husband, Jeff, and catch up a little. E-mails and phone numbers were exchanged and we now we are back in touch - a wonderful thing. When I meet Anna for the very first time this year, I have promised to bring the Camp McDowell songbook so we get this little girl started off on the musical good foot.

Congratulations Kim and Jeff!


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