Project Clare Share

Back in the 1980's, Alabama Power used to run this sad little PSA with a decrepit old woman bundling up in gloves, a toboggan, a few coats and a scarf in her bedroom getting ready for bed. It was so cold her in house that you could see her breath. The commercial was for a program called Project Share where Alabama Power customers could give a dollar in addition to their bill to help the poor. Okay, I know its probably mean to make fun of that commercial, but Alabama Power played it forever and I mean forever. They revived it a few years ago and Karen and were both slack jawed that they were pulling that 20-year-old relic out of the closet It's not like they have a small budget being the only source for electricity in the state unless you want to go the Ben Franklin route. I hate the heat being turned on in my house because it's gas heat and it seems to have two settings -- high and off. This being the case and Karen being cold natured, I help her create an Alabama Power lady outfit and literally bundle her up like a baby Eskimo. This little game of ours really has a purpose now that heating costs have skyrocketed. I have always been hot natured so turning the heat off in a well-insulated house doesn't hurt me so much.

Clare is more cold-natured than Karen and we had to pull out the Alabama Power wardrobe last week in her house. This still didn't suit her. She would up lying down on the sofa and I had to cover her with two down comforters while we watched a movie. A couple of hours later she woke up yelling and throwing the comforters off her she was so cold. The whole time I was in a t-shirt. I am not proud of my extra insulation, but at least it serves some purpose.

These photos are low quality since I took them with my camera phone, but they are the PSA I designed for Clare since her power bill was $500 last month. Instead of Project Clare, it's Project Clare Share and it encourages all Georgia residents to drive by her house and throw a can of beans in the yard so Clare can spend all her money on her power bill and dog chow for her three beagles.

Can't you just give a little?


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