The rebirth of cool

Coolbone Brass Band plays for New Year's Eve in Jackson Square, New Orleans, Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005. Despite the destruction stillevident fourmonths after Hurricane Katrina, the city decided to welcome the New Year with fireworks, concerts, and in a twist on the Times Square ball drop, the lowering of a giant gumbo pot to mark the start of 2006.

(AP Photo/Chery Gerber)

It was nice to see signs of hope and humor on the wire tonight at work as my news compadres and I put out the first issue of The Birmingham News for 2006. Reading the recap of 2005's top stories, it is impossible to avoid the reality of what a hard year it was on a national level and a personal level, but I will always believe that hope springs eternal and that is why I love to find images like these. If New Orleans can find a reason to celebrate with a sense of humor, it seems like we can all prevail through trials big and small. God bless and happy 2006 to all my friends in Bloggerville.


Lee Ann said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year! Here's hoping this year will be better than ever.
mojoala said…
Christina said…
Missy Elliott is my guilty pleasure.

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