The Moon Pie Culture Club reunion -- 2006

The Moon Pie Culture Club -- from left to right, Judy Aull, Tana Branch, Rae Newton, Carla Candler, Jeanne Blackwell, Fran Cronenberg and Libby Brown (my mama).

Back before there was a Ya Ya Sisterhood or Steel Magnolias, there was the Moon Pie Culture Club, a group of women from Auburn, Ala. who all knew each other from Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Sometime in the 1980s this group starting getting together on a regular basis for trips around the South. Although Mom let me in on some select details of the trip, I know what really happened on those ventures stayed within the ranks of the MPCC. A few funny stories were revealed to me the day we all met for a hike and lunch at Judy and John Aull's cabin (right down the road from my folk's place in Brevard N.C.) While I was shocked to know that select members on the MPCC had been to sex stores in Atlanta, the funniest story by far involved a wedding in Oxford, Mississippi, my mother, scotch and a wedding cake with artificial banana flavoring. I have known these friends of my mothers for 26 years. These friendships have withstood the death of a child, divorces and health scares as well as the good moments like their children's marriages and the birth of grandchildren. I felt especially lucky to be around these women for one day last week and amazed that friendships can endure and evolve for so many years.


Lee Ann said…
Fran Cronenberg...does she have a relative that is a professor of history at Auburn? My first year at AU I had a history prof named Cronenberg!
Jamie said…
How fun! I'm glad you're back! I love that the gang is called MPCC--I never knew the wonder of Moon Pies until I was a missionary in North Carolina and people served them to us hot. No joke!

Anyway--missed ya! Thanks for sharing the cute pix.
Brooks Brown said…
Lee Ann -- Fran's former husband is Allen Cronenberg and he taught history at Auburn for about 30 years. That's the man. Small world huh? That whole family is brilliant.

JamieThe Moon Pies Culture Club had boxes of them in honor of their reunion. I never tried them warm until my friend, Clare, told me about that. They even better that way.

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