Touching base

Saturday night after work I drove down to Montevallo to play with Clare and our friends The McGranns and Jess Walker and her son Walker Yancey, It was one of those strange nights in winter in the south when it wasn't really cold or warm and there was mist in the air constantly.

Paul and Carrie McGrann live on a few acres of land in Montevallo and being in the country is a nice change and kind of amazing considering how such a rural area is so close to the biggest city in the state. This horse belongs to their neighbor, but has adopted the McGranns since they give him so much attention. When I first met the McGranns in 1993, they had just become parents to Dylan who was born in January of that year. I was good friends with thier upstairs neighbor and we used to hang at Brad's apartment listening to Sonic Youth and Dinosaur Jr. while sneaking downstairs regularly to check on Dylan sleeping in his crib. Now he is 13 and has no memory of any of those good times and looks at us like we are crazy when we tell him stories about him as a baby. In honor of our impromptu reunion, Paul dug out some Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., Butthole Surfers and Pixies compilation tapes and we listened and watched the sun come up through the mist -- an evening and morning well spent.

For pictures in reverse chronological order of the evening-o-fun click here.


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