Wee Willie T

Wednesday I finally got to meet week-old William Wayne Tutor. I hope all the cynicism, insensitivty and smoke blowing he witnessed in utero, while in the newsroom, doesn't affect him until he is at least a junior in high school. I had a hunch that Christina was pregnant before any official announcement and I knew from early on that Baby T would be a boy. The Tutors never revealed the gender to any of their journalist friends which made us all the more eager to know. Had I been reporting this for a tabloid I think I would be getting a little bonus right now because I also was rooting for his birthday to be 04/05/06 and it happened.

Will, don't worry. I will never tell any of your friends that you were wearing a nightgown when I first met you. We'll keep that between friends.


angela said…
oh, i can almost taste those toes and smell that baby smell from here.
lucky you to be holding a newborn!
i think i might JUMP tim tonight.
cmhl said…
awwwwwwwwwww... what a sweet little thing..
Brooks Brown said…
he is one fine smelling and looking baby. his poor papa is already back at work with me looking mighty sleep deprived.

good luck waddy! we'll be cheering you on!
BeckEye said…
See, it's NOT just celebrities having babies. I knew it.

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