Wednesday I finally got to meet week-old
William Wayne Tutor. I hope all the cynicism, insensitivty and smoke blowing he witnessed in utero, while in the newsroom, doesn't affect him until he is at least a junior in high school. I had a hunch that Christina was pregnant before any official announcement and I knew from early on that Baby T would be a boy. The Tutors never revealed the gender to any of their journalist friends which made us all the more eager to know. Had I been reporting this for a tabloid I think I would be getting a little bonus right now because I also was rooting for his birthday to be
04/05/06 and it happened.
Will, don't worry. I will never tell any of your friends that you were wearing a nightgown when I first met you. We'll keep that between friends.
lucky you to be holding a newborn!
i think i might JUMP tim tonight.
good luck waddy! we'll be cheering you on!