A very happy Vancegiving
For the first time in my digital camera experience I have done the equivelent of exposing my film by accidentally deleting a my Thanksgiving photos. Clare has hers that she will be sharing with me later this week. I spent the day in Atlanta with Clare's family, the Vances, that I am practically related to now after our 15 years of friendship. Clare and I cooked collards, her Grandma Rust made the best whipped potatoes and we all went into a food coma around 8 that evening. I think the highlight of the day was hooking up the Atari 2600 to Clare's massive stereo television. It was the ultimate Atari experience and left us all wanting more. I will always have deep love for the primitive video systems no matter how high tech the modern ones become. Clare and I bought one at a yard sale in college that I became so addicted to that Clare had to intervene and got rid of it when I started playing Kangaroo instead of going to class. (Thanks Clarence!) Atari games take me back to a goo...