
Anderson's expression say it all and Miles backs it up. It's not so much the blues I have as just this inner need for solitude for the past week. I don't know what it's all about, but I think the time and weather change have something to do with it as well as the mother of dear friend who is very ill and in intensive care. This woman has been a friend of our family for years and it is hard to think of the smart and strong person I knew growing up in Auburn weak and vulnerable in a hospital bed. It just doesn't make sense -- not that these kinds of sad life events ever do.
K says I get like this every fall when daylight dimenishes. I didn't know that, but I'm not going to argue it. For some reason staying inside and submerging myself in my favorite HBO dramas like "Six Feet Under" and "The Sopranos" seems to scratch the itch. This is why I haven't been posted a whole lot lately . . . a lot to process right now. Some of it is good, some bad but all inevitable parts of life. It's been an eventful year to say the very least. I am kind of ready for humdrum and boring to come back for awhile to stay and leave dramatic and emotional in the trunk ... Tony Soprano style.


Lee Ann said…
I am sorry you are in the "blues". The holidays tend to do that, which may be a combination of stress and weather. Hang in there. Maybe the game tomorrow will cheer you up some.
Brooks Brown said…
only if auburn wins right lee ann!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Brooks Brown said…
Sangrocito -- So sorry to hear about Amber's dog. I know how easy it is to get attached to a good critter. It's especially sad considering the trip the dog went through to get to Brazil. My heart goes out to you two.
mojoala said…
I rather hibernate as well. If I could work from home during the winter, I would be in my element....
Brooks Brown said…
Glad to hear I am not the only one Mojo. I can't help but feel like being home with the critters is sometimes time best spent.

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