I had a happy moment today when I found a CD of family photos that had been missing for over a year. My cousin Stephanie has become the Brown family curator and she has found some real gems like this one. The curly-headed baby is my father and the man holding him is his big brother John Tollie Brown with his wife Sarah Reeves Brown. Tollie probably in his mid-twenties when this photo was taken. Uncle Tollie and Aunt Sarah had their own family soon after this photo was taken starting with their first son, Jim, and four sons followed him. My sister and I have never seen many baby pictures of our dad so seeing this for the first time really brought a smile to my face. Like baby Ben, Jerry Elijah Brown got lots of attention as a baby and, come to think of it, he still gets lots of attention.
I found these little slips of paper one time in our attic and they turned out to be food rations from during the war. That was pretty neat to see.
Beckeye -- I found some food rations in my grandparents house after my grandfather died. It sure gives you an appreciation of how good we have it when you look back at those artifacts. What is interesting to me about these photos is how in pictures of my Dad's grandparents, they were not smiling. There are many photos that were taken at the turn of the century were people didn't look happy at all.
I am old enough to remember that it was rare for man to step out of the house and being in a suit and hat.
An era that lasted for decades, men and women in hats....
what happened to us?
Glad to see your comments again. I am back from a bried hibernation.