John Coley and Alliene Etheredge Brown -- circa 1955

I never knew my Grandaddy Brown. He died in 1970 when my parents were newlyweds. I have heard many so many stories about him from Dad, Mom, aunts, uncles and cousins. I knew Granny well and her fiestiness and temper are two traits she was known for and that I always admired. Granny was known to throw her hand of cards across a room after losing a game of Rook and one time had a loaded double-barrell shotgun on her bed when we came down to Jackson, Ala. from Auburn for a visit. She explained with no apologies that she had heard people outside her house and she had fired a few warning shots in the sky to let them know she meant business. Granny died in 1988 when she was 84. There are so many Granny stories that I love to tell and hope I get to share with my own children.


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